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Amyntas, Angelos, Emilio Berti, Benoit Gauzens, Georg Albert, Wentao Yu, Alexandra S. Werner, Nico Eisenhauer, and Ulrich Brose. 2023. “Niche Complementarity Among Plants and Animals Can Alter the Biodiversityecosystem Functioning Relationship.” Functional Ecology 37 (10): 2652–65.
Dyer, Alexander, Remo Ryser, Ulrich Brose, Angelos Amyntas, Nora Bodnar, Thomas Boy, Solveig Franziska Bucher, et al. 2023. “Insect Communities Under Skyglow: Diffuse Night-Time Illuminance Induces Spatio-Temporal Shifts in Movement and Predation.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 378 (1892).
Jochum, Malte, Andrew D. Barnes, Ulrich Brose, Benoit Gauzens, Marie Sünnemann, Angelos Amyntas, and Nico Eisenhauer. 2021. “For Flux’s Sake: General Considerations for Energy-Flux Calculations in Ecological Communities.” Ecology and Evolution 11 (19): 12948–69.
Li, Yi, Andreas Schuldt, Anne Ebeling, Nico Eisenhauer, Yuanyuan Huang, Georg Albert, Cynthia Albracht, et al. 2024. “Plant Diversity Enhances Ecosystem Multifunctionality via Multitrophic Diversity.” Nature Ecology & Evolution, August, 1–11.
Terlau, Jördis F., Ulrich Brose, Nico Eisenhauer, Angelos Amyntas, Thomas Boy, Alexander Dyer, Alban Gebler, et al. 2023. “Microhabitat Conditions Remedy Heat Stress Effects on Insect Activity.” Global Change Biology 29 (13): 3747–58.